2230 W Chapman Ave #157, Orange, CA

Brand Positioning

A brand positioning strategy clarifies who you are, what you offer, and why someone should choose you over the competition.
Learn More About Brand Positioning!
  • Increase Customer Loyalty & Retention
  • High Brand Recognition & Awareness
  • Charge Premium Prices For Your Expertise

Brand Positioning

For years, I've seen businesses struggle to stand out in crowded markets. They pour money into marketing campaigns that yield little return, and their message gets lost in a sea of noise. This is often because they lack a solid brand positioning strategy. A brand positioning strategy clarifies who you are, what you offer, and why someone should choose you over the competition.

It's not about a catchy slogan or a trendy logo. It's about crafting an identity that resonates with your ideal customer and sets you apart. With a strong brand positioning strategy, you can differentiate your brand, build customer loyalty, and command a higher price point for your products or services.

What Makes A Strong Brand Positioning Strategy?

A successful brand positioning strategy requires a deep understanding of your target customers. You need to know their needs, pain points, and aspirations. Understanding your target audience helps you create marketing messages that are relevant and appealing to them.
Consider what your competitors offer. Are you the premium option, the budget-friendly choice, or the innovator? Knowing your place in the market helps refine your message and attract the right customers. You'll want to identify what makes your brand unique.

Building Your Brand Positioning Strategy - 4 Key Elements

Search engine algorithms are in a constant state of evolution. What worked a year ago might not cut it today. A website SEO audit and technical SEO audit will provide with a comprehensive SEO audit report, including content SEO audit, backlink profiles, and technical elements, conversion rate stats, ultimately aligning them with current best practices.

The result? Increased visibility on search engines like Google, translating to higher organic traffic and a wider reach. This means that more potential customers will be able to find your website through organic search results and social media, leading to more leads and sales.

1. Research: Unearth Your Brand's Essence

Before you can tell your brand's story, you need to understand its core. What are your strengths and weaknesses? What values define you? What is your brand promise, and how can you deliver it consistently?

This step involves exploring customer perception through surveys, reviews, and social media engagement. By understanding how your audience already sees you, you gain valuable insights into your existing reputation. Brand research reveals key areas like brand awareness, associations, and overall perception.

2. Strategy: Craft A Message That Sticks

Once you know your brand inside-out, craft a compelling narrative. Define your unique value proposition—what problem do you solve, and how do you do it better than anyone else? Think about fitness marketing strategies as an example: They address a specific need in a crowded marketplace. This is an example of a convenience-based positioning strategy.
After identifying your market, refine your focus on your target audience. Consistency is key across all platforms, so ensure your messaging is uniform and recognizable. Aligning your efforts with a clear value proposition ensures everyone understands what your brand represents and what customers can expect.

 3. Identity: Visualize Your Brand Story

A brand is more than just a product or service. Your brand's identity encompasses everything from your logo and color palette to your brand voice and messaging. It also includes your pricing strategy and how you choose to position your brand in the market. Choose visual elements that are memorable and effectively convey your brand's personality.

Consider your:
Tagline: A memorable phrase that encapsulates your essence.
Logo: Instantly recognizable and evocative of your values. For inspiration on how to create an iconic brand, look at well-established brands.
Designs: A consistent aesthetic across all marketing materials.
Brand Positioning: This clarifies your unique strengths and offerings to set you apart.
Brand Voice: Are you authoritative, friendly, or humorous?
These tangible elements will breathe life into your brand. Visuals have a profound impact, so choose wisely. Think about iconic brands like Apple or Nike, and how instantly recognizable their logos are. Building a strong brand is about more than just the visual elements though, you need to connect with customers on an emotional level.

4. Engagement: Connect With Your Audience

Your brand isn't static - it lives and breathes through interaction with your audience. Engage them meaningfully by creating valuable content, fostering a sense of community, and exceeding expectations. Utilize tools like social media campaigns, email campaigns, digital advertising, or anything that fosters a connection. It's about creating experiences, sparking conversations, and making a lasting impression.
Think outside the box when engaging your audience. Today's customer seeks connection. Tailor your approach based on your target demographic and use multiple channels for wider reach. Gathering customer testimonials and showcasing them is another strategy that can increase customer loyalty.


A strong brand positioning strategy can transform your business. It is the foundation upon which you will build your brand's reputation and connect with your target market. A great brand positioning strategy will help you achieve your marketing goals and increase your average revenue.

Don't just blend in; break through the noise. By understanding your target audience, crafting a compelling brand message, and consistently delivering on your brand promise, you can create a brand that resonates with customers and drives business success. Implement these strategies and see how a strong brand positioning strategy elevates your business above the competition.

Is MarketStra's Five Factor Framework Right For You?

If you are considering hiring a marketing agency to help you with market positioning - you are on the right path.

But before you decide to hire a specialist, it is always recommended to get a second opinion - I would like to invite to you a 15-minute consultation at no charge or strings attached. We answer any questions your have in regards to your positioning strategy.
Schedule a Free Consultation Call

We help brands to improve every customer touchpoint through market research, strategy, and brand engagement.

Step 1:

Brand Research

By doing brand research you are essentially studying what people think of your brand which will show you the following:
  • Brand awareness
  • Brand association
  • Brand perception
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Step 2:

Brand Strategy

The brand strategy is the approach of how your brand builds its identity through every customer’s touch point by focusing on the following:
  • Brand purpose
  • Market analysis & target audience
  • Brand consistency
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Step 3:

Brand Identity

Convey the value of your brand at every customer touchpoint by building a strong brand identity through the visible elements of your brand. Be consistent with the following branding elements:
  • Tagline
  • Logo or symbol
  • Designs
  • Brand voice
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Step 4:

Brand Engagement

Through brand engagement, you can now implement your research, strategy, and identity to create an emotional connection with your customer through every touchpoint:
  • Social media campaigns
  • Email campaigns
  • Internal communications
  • Digital and offline advertising
  • Any other marketing outreach campaign
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Increase Your Local Market Share By Building a Stronger Brand!

We help you increase local market share by building positive customer touch points.
  • With brand consistency you will convey a stronger message at every customer touchpoint.
  • Separate your brand from competitors and capture more customers through the right message.
  • In a study by Edelman, shows that brand engagement goes wrong due to 76% of lacking relevance and 51% lacking authority.