MarketStra offers AI-Enhanced Marketing, Business Optimization, & Business Growth.

Phase 2

Lead Generation Marketing Strategy

Unlock the Formula to Maximize Lead Generation and Drive 10x ROI for Your Business

Discover Proven Strategies to Scale Your Customer Base with Ready to Purchase Leads.
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  • Increase Market Share
  • Generate High Quality Leads
  • Drive Revenue Growth
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We Cover It All.

From Strategy, Media Creation to Implementation.
Imagine a lead generation process that not only brings you a steady flow of high-quality leads but also accelerates your business growth effortlessly. As a business owner, you’ve likely experienced the frustration of spending time and resources chasing down leads that aren’t ready to buy or don’t fit your ideal customer profile. What if you could stop wasting time and start focusing on leads that are pre-qualified, ready for consultation or ready to buy, plus perfectly aligned with your goals?

With an effective lead generation strategy, you’ll not only secure more leads faster, but you’ll also ensure they’re the right ones—those ready to convert. We use a proven system that delivers consistent, scalable growth while helping you stay ahead of the competition.
Eliminate wasted time on unqualified leads: Focus only on high-value prospects who are ready for consultation or purchase.
Leverage cutting-edge AI technology: Our advanced system pre-qualifies leads, ensuring you spend more time closing deals and less time chasing them.
Achieve consistent, scalable growth: Our proven strategy not only increases lead flow but ensures steady, long-term business growth.
Gain a competitive edge: Stay ahead in your industry by utilizing AI-powered insights that give you the advantage over competitors still relying on outdated methods.
Maximize your ROI using lead generation: Watch as your marketing efforts turn into a powerful lead generation machine that drives 10x returns on investment.
Start Generating Pre-Qualified Leads—Free Strategy Call!
Schedule a free, no-obligation strategy session and discover how we can maximize your lead generation strategy. Book your call today!

Boost Sales with This Lead Generation Marketing Strategy

You’ve probably heard the saying, “You can’t keep doing the same things and expect different results." This applies to your lead generation strategies as much as anything. If your current strategy isn’t working—it's time for a serious upgrade.

The issue is, we marketers and business owners love complicating a very simple process: get people interested in something low cost and move them through a strategic path of steps to eventually offer your high-ticket item. MarketStra learned this model from Perry Belcher, who is one of our coaches and mentors. So, all credit goes to Perry for teaching this. If you want learn from him directly, click here to sign up to his mastermind.

The Power of an Effective Lead Generation Model

This proven lead generation strategy is about understanding that selling anything upfront just won’t work. I’ve seen countless businesses try and launch with expensive offers before ever building a relationship with the potential customer.

Let's face it—most customers aren’t ready to shell out large sums of money right from the start. They need to be nurtured and guided along a clear, value-driven path. This is where building an effective lead generation model helps us create that path.

Step 1: Spark 'Some' Interest

Imagine this: you walk into a store and are greeted by an overzealous salesperson shoving their most expensive product in your face. What would you do? Probably walk out, right? Instead of hitting customers with high-priced offers from the get-go, what if we created something they are naturally interested in, that costs less than $10 or a free consultation if you serve B2B. The name of the game is "volume"—we want as many sales leads as possible.

This step is about casting a wide net and capturing attention with something irresistible.

Step 2: Let's Build Trust

Okay, we have their attention. Now it’s time to build some trust and authority with our audience. One of the most powerful ways to do this is by offering information that is perceived with immense value and positions you as a leader in your space.

Step 3: Time to Deliver On The Promise!

This is where you make a huge leap. You are past targeting only organic, and you are now ready to focus on 'Paid Media' to generate sales. Now your offers center around making their life easier, whether in business or personal life.

Step 4: Long-term client relationship!

You are now playing in the Big Leagues, but honestly this should be the easiest sell. Now that your client trusts you, you have the opportunity to sell them many different services and products.

This audience has experienced what you have to offer and already sees you as an expert. Your ideal client at this stage is someone that says, “Just tell me what to do, and I’ll do it."


Stop wasting time with ineffective lead generation marketing methods that yield minimal results. Now is the time to take control. Implementing an effective lead generation model will undoubtedly boost your sales and enhance your overall customer journey—from attracting curious onlookers to cultivating devoted, high-paying clients.

By building genuine connections with your audience, offering incredible value, and utilizing paid challenges to capture attention—you can truly master the lead generation tool game in any industry. A strong generation strategy will incorporate these methods across various strategies. Be sure to use a generation tool to streamline your efforts.

Building a successful business requires a steady stream of qualified leads. It's not about shortcuts; it's about providing immense value at every stage of the customer journey. Start implementing these strategies today, and watch your business soar. Generating leads doesn't have to be a mystery.
Start Generating Pre-Qualified Leads—Free Strategy Call!
Schedule a free, no-obligation strategy session and discover how we can maximize your lead generation strategy. Book your call today!

MarketStra's Five Factor Framework

Phase 1:

All-in-one marketing platform

Transform Your Marketing Instantly with an all-in-one Marketing Platform

Phase 2:

Lead Generation Strategies

Unlock the Formula to Maximize Lead Generation and Drive 10x ROI for Your Business

Phase 3:

Sales Marketing

Maximizing Your Sales Potential Through Effective Marketing

Phase 4:

Business Profits

Find Hidden Profits: Increase Your Business's Bottom Line

Phase 5:

Inorganic Growth Strategies

Skyrocket Your Business Value: 7 Inorganic Growth Strategies in Marketing

Schedule Your
Discovery Call Today!